Sit home to explore the Vatican museum online during the Covid-19 season

Currently, when the Covid-19 epidemic is raging, all historical sites, tourist destinations such as, the Lourve museum, the Vatican museum are closed, but it's okay now you can visit online. free.

Thanks to the internet, we can explore Vatican's amazing art collection from a safe social distance.

Picture 1 of Sit home to explore the Vatican museum online during the Covid-19 season
In addition to the Vatican museum, you can also visit the Sistine Chapel, Pio Clementino Museum .

The Vatican Museum estimates that about 5 million people visit each year. Currently, the museum is closed because of the Covid-19 epidemic. But these days anyone with an internet connection is able to browse Vatican artwork and artefacts online for free.

They have seven tours available: Sistine Chapel, Pio Clementino Museum, Chiaramonti Museum, New Wing, Raphael Room, Niccoline Chapel and Chiaroscuri Room. Once the tour has begun, you'll enjoy the ability to move about a room and view it from every angle, with 360-degree rotation.

Although it is difficult to compete with real goods, the virtual tours are completely free to use and they are never closed. Now you can walk through the Sistine Chapel at 3am, a feat that one can never complete even before the world is closed because of Covid-19.

To visit, you can go here:

  1. Louvre Museum is free to visit online