Smart hat for driver

SmartCap is a smart hat designed to read brain waves and prevent the driver from falling asleep on the steering wheel.

This bright red hat is fitted with sensors to control the brain. If the brain waves are shown to be fatigued, the helmets will send a message to the computer screen to warn the driver to stop and rest.

Picture 1 of Smart hat for driver
An Australian truck driver wearing a new SmartCap helmet - Photo: The Australian

SmartCap is the inventor of CRC Mining in Australia. From December, all heavy-duty truckers of the British-American company will wear the new helmet, which will work in the company's platinum mines. Cynthia Carroll, director of the company, believes the helmets of the brain will help save lives and prevent losses. In 2008, 27 workers were killed in the company's mines, and 40 in the previous year.

The SmartCap was invented by Dr. Daniel Bongers, engineer of CRC Mining. This helmet will be mass-produced so that all drivers in the world can use it.