Software helps keep secrets on the phone

The new software, called Cate (Call and Text Eraser), can delete all personal data in the phone with one touch and the computer will never display the caller's name.

Picture 1 of Software helps keep secrets on the phone
This software has been downloaded 10,000 times with 70% of women buyers.

The software also helps hide the number of words in contacts, calls and special messages.

You can rest easy with your lover and still be able to read secret messages. Then just shake your phone and the message will disappear.

This software is worth 3 pounds and can only be used when you enter a secret code. Unlike other software, this software will not display on the phone's main screen.

Reportedly, this software was designed by a Miami police officer, the software was later acquired by an entrepreneur, Neal Desai in Boston.

Mr. Desai then spent $ 70,000 to promote the software. He said the software could be used to protect privacy for delicate reasons. It can also be kept secret by government officials, entrepreneurs and lawyers.