Software that simulates human images in the next 80 years

(Researchers) from the University of Washington have developed a strange software that accurately simulates the aging of people.

Scientists have developed an algorithm that can accurately predict what a person's image will look like in the next 80 years from their current image.

From analyzing thousands of photos of different faces on the Internet, researchers at the University of Washington can show parents what their future children will look like.

Picture 1 of Software that simulates human images in the next 80 years

Steven Seitz, one of the programmers, told UW News: 'Our studies based on a large number of users have demonstrated that our image of the process of changing with age is remarkable. Easter, people cannot distinguish which is the real image. When we brought the image of a young man who had been treated according to the technology of developing the age and the image of the same person when he grew up, people could not determine which one was the true image. ' .

Many human simulation programs are available online and on the smartphone's app store, but this software is the only software that uses technology to grow old and can identify light ' . It can balance dark light, facial features and head turns.

Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, assistant professor at the University of Washington, who pioneered this study, pointed out that the public will soon be able to experience the software by uploading images online or via webcam. Although the program will certainly provide fun moments for the family, it is also expected to be able to use it in an investigation to find missing children and in the film industry.

The research team was sponsored by Google and Intel, published in the online journal in pdf format to illustrate their method and will introduce the idea at the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference in Ohio in June.