Solitaire - A new breakthrough in stroke treatment

The Solitaire Discharge Recovery Device, which removes the potentially fatal strokes from the cerebral arteries, opens new hope for people at high risk for the disease.

Picture 1 of Solitaire - A new breakthrough in stroke treatment

Solitaire has a tubular design and can expand itself into the arteries. Once inserted into the clogged artery, the device presses and holds the blood clots. Subsequently, the thrombosis will be removed by dislodging the device, which will return the blocked blood vessels. The clinical trial of Solitaire, published in the prestigious Lancet medical journal, shows that the device helps relieve blocked arteries without causing hemorrhage inside or outside the brain. % of patients treated.

Picture 2 of Solitaire - A new breakthrough in stroke treatment

The BBC reported that in the first trial of 113 stroke patients, 58% of patients improved their brain function after three months, compared to only 33% in the coil group. at the same time the mortality rate also decreased.

Dr Jeffrey Saver of the University of California, Berkeley, USA, said: "This new device can reconcile 70-90% of blocked arteries ." In addition, Solitaire, licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), can also be used in patients who can not take thrombolytic drugs.

References: Gizmag