Some remedies help improve sexual decline

Like it or not, up to a certain age, it is hard for anyone to avoid sexual decline. At this time, people become indifferent to the 'pillow', badly lost or depressed feelings, whereby the pleasure in the 'rain clouds' is no longer as intense as the time when he was young.

Picture 1 of Some remedies help improve sexual decline

(Photo: TTO)

Many times, the body appears with symptoms without any cause, the back of the knee is aching and tired, the head of the eyes is stunned, the ears are ringing in the ears, the hands and feet are cold, the working power is reduced .

In traditional medicine, this state is divided into many different diseases, but mainly in the area of ​​impaired kidney kidneys with the treatment method is to warm the kidney organs with drugs that use gas and tonic. Yang, in which indispensable role of ginseng. But how to use this valuable medicine to achieve the highest efficiency is not everyone's concern. This article is to introduce you to some specific ways.

Method 1: Ginseng, deer velvet, cinnamon taste 6g each; memorial, field, painting, humiliation, three size, positive starter each 10g; royal period 30g, lewd sex or 15g, licorice (star) 3g. Ginseng and deer velvet are dried to spread flour, divided into 2 morning and evening drinks with warm water; The other drugs are added to the chromatogram to get the juice, divided into 2 times a day.

This is a modern method, which has useful benefits of kidney tonic, suitable for people with sexual impairment with symptoms such as buzzing, hearing loss, or dizziness, fatigue, fatigue, pale face, knee back pain .

Method 2: Ginseng, cinnamon humiliation, octopus, licorice star, royal period, regularity, cross-frame, white, white, white, field, each dose is equal. All bring dried powdered flour, stored in sealed containers for gradual use. Drink 15g each day, divided into two times when your stomach is hungry with the juice of 2 big apples and 3 slices of fresh ginger.

This is an ancient community that has the benefit of using the blood to support the blood, and to supplement the essential oils, and is suitable for people with sexual impairment accompanied by fatigue symptoms such as loss of strength, pale face, or feeling of difficulty. breathing, dizziness, palpitations, poor appetite, dilute liquid defecation .

Method 3: Ginseng, white spirit, octopus, cinnamon, cinnamon, octopus, each of 30g, licorice 15g, planed 6g. All dried powdered cans, stored in sealed containers for gradual use. Drink 2 times a day, 6g each time on an empty stomach with 2 drops of fresh apple juice and 2 slices of fresh ginger.

This is the antiquity recorded in the book of the Holy Spirit of Peace, which has a moderate temperament utility, and is suitable for people with sexual impairment accompanied by symptoms of fatigue due to excessive labor, pain in the back of the knee. tired, weak limbs, or abdominal pain, poor sleep, or dreamy .

Method 4: Ginseng, velvet antler, three-size jackfruit, prickly cockroach, lewd sex each 50g. All dried powdered cans, stored in sealed containers for gradual use. Drink 2 times a day, 6g each with light salt water.

Uses: positive kidney tonic, used for sexually impaired people with accompanying symptoms of painful back, head of flower eyes, mental weakness, pale face, cold fear, cold limbs, eat poorly, dilute loose defecation .

Method 5: Ginseng 30g; telecom, born apple, regular, white 60g each; white and red rabbit each 120g; jelly bone 50g; white, nostalgic paint, 90g each song; kumquat 40g; sa Nhan 75g, sloe 15g, licorice 10g. All dried powdered cans, stored in sealed containers for gradual use. Drink twice a day, 10g each time with warm water on an empty stomach.

This is an ancient method recorded in the book of dialectical records, with the use of mind-nourishing condition, usefulness of blood, and kidney-kidney, used appropriately for sexually impaired people with symptoms such as secretions or metastasis, head lightheadedness, tiredness such as loss of energy, or palpitations of the palpitations, feeling of difficulty breathing, poor appetite, insomnia .

Method 6: Ginseng, deer velvet each 50g each; location, 300g each; Hatu umbrella processing, weighting each 200g, Tu Ha away 250g, lecherous hog 100g. All dried powdered cans, stored in sealed containers for gradual use. Drink 2 times a day, 5g each time when the stomach is hungry with boiling water to cool. Uses: private kidney positive, blood balm supplement, used appropriately for people with sexual impairment accompanied by symptoms of knee back pain, dilute cold semen, flower-eyed head, mental fatigue, di sperm, impotence .

Method 7: Pickled ginseng 3g, sparrow 2 children, raspberry, tyrant rabbit, each anniversary 10g; five-element five-gram, 100g rice, fresh ginger and just enough spices. Sparrows make meat and feathers removed, cooked with rice and fresh ginger into porridge; other herbs dried into powder and mixed with porridge, seasoned, divided several times a day.

This is a folk remedy with a positive effect on kidney, in which the sparrow has the ability to erect and improve sexual ability; ginseng, prunus, necrotic rabbit, schisandra and zenith have beneficial effects on kidneys. This formula is suitable for people with sexual impairment with severe fatigue symptoms, pain in the back of the knee, flower head, premature ejaculation .

Note: All of these formulas should only be used for people with sexual impairment Fertile kidney kidneys, as well as with damaged kidney kidneys manifested by symptoms such as dry lips of thirst, palms, tables hot legs, restless nerves in the chest, constipation defecation, reddish urination . are not used.