Space research centers are simulating a meteorite situation that attacks the Earth

To prepare for the World Space Academy's Earth Defense Conference next week, NASA, FEMA and space research centers around the world have put together a meteorite situation that plunges into Earth to join each one offers the most effective tactics of defense and crisis management right from the discovery of this meteorite.

Here is their simulation situation:

On March 26, 2019, astronomers discovered a meteorite in the sky and named it 2019 PDC. It seems that the asteroid's trajectory will bring it closer to Earth with a distance of nearly 18 times the distance from the Moon to Earth, and it is estimated that the risk of it colliding with the Earth will be about 1 / 50,000. in 2027.

Picture 1 of Space research centers are simulating a meteorite situation that attacks the Earth The distance of 2019 PDC with the Earth in the simulator.

After a few months of monitoring they measured the size of this meteorite in the range of 100 to 300m wide, nearly the size of a large tower and the possibility of colliding with the Earth rose to 1%, Reaching "targets" need to be dealt with to prevent possible disaster. Astronomers have set up an integrated risk corridor in the world where the meteorite can be plunged into. On this corridor there is America, the West of Africa, the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean.

Picture 2 of Space research centers are simulating a meteorite situation that attacks the Earth Corridor where meteors can collide with the Earth in 2027.

Although all are simulated situations, these calculations will be what humans need to better understand and prevent future situations. Going further, scientists not only try probabilistic calculations but also focus on how governments will react if this happens because helping governments know as soon as possible to help them more careful preparation to avoid panic on a global scale.