Spinal tuberculosis can be cured it?

Spinal TB is one of the relatively rare extrapulmonary tuberculosis, which can leave serious sequelae. For spinal tuberculosis, the treatment process consists of two parts: treating tuberculosis and managing spinal problems.

Picture 1 of Spinal tuberculosis can be cured it?

Picture 2 of Spinal tuberculosis can be cured it?

The patient was also given magnetic resonance;with many soft tissue invasive images
(Photo: CDHA)

Treatment for spinal TB also uses anti-tuberculosis drugs according to the same regimen as those used to treat tuberculosis. In the course of TB treatment, if patients want to recover completely, they need to comply with the principles when treating tuberculosis, such as taking medication to be right - sufficient - all, not arbitrarily stopping or reducing the dose and must have Regular monitoring of medicine, doctor to be able to timely detect unwanted effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs.

In addition to treating tuberculosis, it is necessary to address spinal problems such as: If there is a lot of pain in the spine, heavy physical activity should be avoided, avoiding heavy lifting, regular rest and having Can use more painkillers. If spinal curvature is not yet weak, paralysis, the patient may be able to use various types of powder troughs, fixed splints to help strengthen the spine while waiting for spinal injury to heal .

In addition, it is also necessary to massage, practice stretching of paralyzed limbs, avoid having legs bend and avoid stiffness due to long-term immobility, causing a lot of difficulties for movement recovery later.