Stab the fire with a loudspeaker

Fires in closed spaces such as planes, tanks, warships are always a great disaster for all armies. The Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) has come up with the idea of sound fire since 2008.

Scientists from the US Department of Defense have come up with the idea of using sound waves to fight off fires. Sound and electromagnetic fields can control small fires in enclosed spaces.

Fires in closed spaces such as planes, tanks, warships are always a great disaster for all armies. The Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) has come up with the idea of sound fire since 2008. They created a program called Instant Fire Suppression to The idea came true, the BBC reported.

Picture 1 of Stab the fire with a loudspeaker

DARPA successfully controlled small fires
in closed spaces by sound and electromagnetic fields.

"Physically, fire is a form of cold plasma," says DARPA. "DARPA thinks humans can extinguish flames with physical techniques." We chose two methods: electromagnetic field and sound , " DARPA notice on their website.

In order to use electromagnetic fields, the researchers built a hand-held electrode to control the small fires that emanate from methane and liquid fuels. For larger flames, they use loudspeakers.

"The sound field increases the speed of movement of the air, and the greater the speed of the air, the easier it is to put out the fire. As the speed of evaporation is greater, the fire spreads more and more. As the sound increases the speed of movement of the air, as the fire spreads, its temperature decreases - a factor that makes it easy to fire. Turns out, " the site explained.

Despite the small fires in the test with electromagnetic and electromagnetic fields, DARPA researchers acknowledge that they have to wait a long time to turn the theory into a practical application.

"We have proven that the field of fire is still interesting, perhaps the achievements we have achieved will lead to new ideas and applications in fire research , " said Matthew Goodman. , director of Instant Fire Suppression program, commented.

Update 11 December 2018



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