Stephen Hawking offers a solution to prevent artificial intelligence from dominating people

The speed of our biological evolution cannot match the speed of technology development, of AI. What should I do?

No one can deny that Stephen Hawking possesses one of the greatest minds in modern society and, of course, many people pay attention to what Hawking says (via the support system). negative). Recently, he focused on a specific aspect: the future of humanity.

Hawking expressed his views on issues related to extraterrestrial life to the "life" that humans created themselves on Earth with AI artificial intelligence. And with the back AI, Hawking proved very cautious and wary.

Picture 1 of Stephen Hawking offers a solution to prevent artificial intelligence from dominating people
He warned that AI will affect the job market of people.

He said that artificial intelligence "or is it the best thing, or is it the worst thing that happens to mankind?" Despite believing in a brighter future of powerful AI with the ability to enhance human brains, he and many others still worry about the bad effects that artificial intelligence brings.

He warned that AI would affect the job market of humans and, together with Elon Musk, Hawking drafted a set of 23 rules to protect humanity from AI. He also expressed concern that the AI ​​will dominate this world or worse, will end the existence of humans on Earth. Hawking said:

"Since human civilization began, colonial aggression has become very useful because it creates a clear survival advantage. It has deepened our genome with advanced theory. However, at the present time, technology is so advanced that the invasion process can destroy all of us with nuclear weapons or biological warfare. inherit this ancient word by logic and reason ".

In order to catch up with AI - which we create, humans must enhance their adaptability. " The development of artificial intelligence can cause humanity to perish , " Hawking said in 2014. "It will develop itself, redesign itself to an amazingly high level. , species is limited by the slow evolution of biology, cannot be compared with them, and will be replaced ".

However, he did not think that the advanced machines of the future would destroy humans for certain emotional reasons."The real risk of artificial intelligence is not from their malice but from their own ability. An extremely intelligent AI system will accomplish its goals perfectly and if The goal is not the same as us, people will be in big trouble. "

Picture 2 of Stephen Hawking offers a solution to prevent artificial intelligence from dominating people
In order to catch up with AI - which we create, humans must enhance their adaptability.

For these reasons, Hawking points out that we need a management organization that has a quick and strong adaptability. That is what humanity needs to survive the booming era of super-intelligence, of AI systems created by people themselves.

We were also lucky when some research institutes, specializing in solving these problems, were established. These institutes, including the Institute of Artificial Intelligence Collaboration or the Ethics Institute and the Artificial Intelligence Foundation, have begun to develop, study the frameworks of work, detailed instructions on creating a system Safe, standard AI system.

And Hawking, it's not just worries about the future of human destiny, because he's still optimistic that "even though everything looks dark, I'm still an optimist. I think humanity will get up, face those challenges ".