Over the past few years, technologist and researcher Bruce Schneier has been studying the hacking potential of social systems.
How can human knowledge help people work? Science and technology
Google's AI system accurately predicts rainfall 6 hours before the rainfall, with an accuracy of up to 1km and a delay of just a few minutes.
According to Climate and Atmospheric Science, scientists from Lausanne, Switzerland, have developed a simple machine learning system that can predict lightning 30 minutes before it
This is an example of the 'bias' of AI, reflecting how global inequality is happening.
In the new study, the researchers used a wrist sensor and an AI algorithm to detect 'internal disorders' in children with an accuracy of up to 81% in just 20 seconds.
Shriya Devadig and Bhakti Shetty researchers have studied the existing ability of artificial intelligence and created a system to ease the pain of losing loved ones.
At the present time, artificial intelligence is proving that they are extremely good at two areas: making logical decisions and identifying patterns.
By using neuroscience and deep learning, researchers have trained the AI system called PixelPlayer with over 60 hours of continuous video.
According to MIT Technology Review, it is clear that the virtual assistant tools of tech giants like Siri (Apple) and Alexa (Amazon) are still far from perfect.