Store drivers with DriverMax
Computer system consists of many different devices. In order for the operating system to recognize and support correctly functioning devices, drivers are required. It is possible that the drivers are installed and managed by the Windows operating system itself. It may also be drivers that users have to install more .
For some reason we have to reformat and reinstall the operating system, we must inevitably reinstall the drivers. This will take a lot of time, not to mention if the disk contains broken or missing drivers, it is very difficult. For the convenience of extracting and managing all the drivers already in the system, putting them in the storage location and re-installing them as needed, you can use Innovatic Solution's free DriverMax software.
The program has a capacity of 1.8 MB, download from This software is suitable for Windows XP and Vista environments. After installing, activate the program, it will ask you to get a free registration number via e-mail address. After receiving the registration number, enter this number and start using the program.
When operating, DriverMax's interface consists of 4 buttons. Inside:
- Export Driver : If you want to extract existing drivers in the system into an archive folder or a compressed file, press this button. Next click Next . Wait a moment for the program to detect and list devices. The list of devices will be displayed in the next window. The device with the blue text " This is a default Windows Driver " is the device supported by the operating system's own drivers, can be ignored without storage because of the installation of the operating system Next, Windows will automatically identify and load the driver automatically.
Interface when exporting Driver
Devices without the above mentioned words are devices that are installed with third-party drivers. Please check the box before the name of the device and then click Next .
The next window suggests where we want to save the drivers on the hard drive (do not choose the later C drive to install the operating system). And save in a folder or in a compressed file. After selecting, click Next to finish.
- Install Driver button: Re-install the drivers that were performed in the above storage process.
- Display report : Detect and list devices and drivers that support that device. You can export the list to Text or HTML.
- Exit Program : Exit the program.
At Innovative Solution's website we can also download it to use other free software: Advanced Spyware Remove, Advanced Disk Cleaner and Taskbar Button Manager.
Ta Xuan Quan
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