Strange scorpions appear at the station

A scorpion made the passengers present at Victoria subway station in London (England) extremely frightened.

Picture 1 of Strange scorpions appear at the station

Picture 2 of Strange scorpions appear at the station
The scorpion caused obsession for many passengers at Victoria station.(Source: British traffic police)

When going down to Victoria Station, a man panicked when he saw a scorpion parked on his bag. Frightened, the man shouted loudly and terrified the surrounding passengers.

Immediately, the station's staff ran to help the man. They captured the scorpion and put it in a plastic box before the experts of the British Traffic Police's anti-trafficking department were on the scene.

Mike Charnick, a member of the anti-wildlife trade organization, said the station's employees did a "great job of keeping the scorpion safe because it is a rare scorpion." ".

According to experts, the nearly 3cm scorpion is from the Caribbean. However, they still cannot explain why the scorpion is in London.