Strangely, the dog changes color from black to white fur

The Labrador retriever's coat is changing from black to white to make netizens excited.

A 10-year-old Labrador named Blaze was born with pure black fur. It lives with its owner, Santeri in Finland.

Picture 1 of Strangely, the dog changes color from black to white fur
The dog named Blaze belongs to the Labrador breed born with pure black fur.

Labrador dogs are intelligent, gentle, friendly, affectionate and very obedient. This breed likes children and rarely harms children.

Blaze loves to walk in the forest, swim in the lake and play with people.

Picture 2 of Strangely, the dog changes color from black to white fur
White spots begin to appear on the ears and then gradually spread to Blaze.

Blaze began to get the attention of people around when its fur changed color from black to white.

Last year, Santeri noticed that a small patch of white hair had grown on the small dog's ears and the color change began to spread over his head and down his back.

The unusual new fur blended with Blaze's white and black colors melted the hearts of many around it.

Picture 3 of Strangely, the dog changes color from black to white fur
The new image of Blaze with strange black and white fur makes netizens excited.

Santeri said that in addition to looking better, more interesting, the change does not hinder Blaze's healthy, energetic and adventurous life. It is known that Blaze has a rare albino disease in dogs that causes the coat to change from black to white.

Santeri shared photos of the pet dogs on the pet group on social networks and quickly attracted attention. The post has more than 1,200 shares and about 2,800 comments. Netizens were fascinated by the dog's changed color.

One commenter wrote : "I didn't know that dogs can also have albinism. The fur makes the dog look much better!"

Netizens left a lot of comments expressing their delight and surprise about this particular coat: "The dog looks gorgeous with the white fur. Really unique ',' Wow, it's unique. ! So beautiful' …

Labrador dog has medium size, strong body, agility, firm athletic shape. They were born to be hunting dogs with excellent swimming ability.