Stroke warning stroke

A high tech hat can monitor the flow of blood in the brain to warn of an impending stroke, according to the Daily Mail on March 19.

It is a Neurokeeper hat developed by an Israeli scientist.

Picture 1 of Stroke warning stroke
Your brain changes with the onset of stroke

This high tech hat will sound an alarm if it detects a blood clot that begins to form in the brain, alerting the patient or family to an emergency call.

The hat works by monitoring changes in the flow of blood in the brain through 10 electrodes placed on the scalp of the hat.

Headsets are also programmed to recognize specific changes in the flow of blood, reflecting the blood supply to the brain that has been broken down and the imminent stroke.

This device is primarily intended for patients who have had previous stroke and are at risk for further stroke.

This hat is usually used at night when the patient sleeps and relatives are unaware of the stroke.

Twenty-four hours after the first stroke, patients have a 6% chance of having another stroke, usually when they are in the hospital.

The cost of this hat is £ 150 (about $ 4.7 million) and is still not widely used. Expected, the Neurokeeper hat will be available in the market within 2 years.