Successfully decoded 4,000-year-old mummy thanks to DNA technology

Scientists first obtained DNA from a 4,000-year-old mummy, thereby deciphering the tomb mystery found centuries ago.

Picture 1 of Successfully decoded 4,000-year-old mummy thanks to DNA technology
The head of the mummy is placed in the museum.

Live Science said, in 1915, scientists discovered an intact grave in Egypt. Instead of the complete mummy, the rest were just the head on a coffin, the body and grave were ransacked, plundered from ancient times.

According to the New York Times, the researchers explained that it was the tomb of an Egyptian official named Djehutynakht. However the thieves burned the grave to remove the traces.

From 100 years ago, scientists argued over whether this head was the above official or his wife. Sex determination for mummies is difficult because the body bones are lost and DNA extraction is difficult.

However, when the FBI forensic experts had access to the head of this mummy, they obtained the DNA and determined the sex of the mummy was male. Therefore, the first part found more than 100 years ago is the high possibility of the official Djehutynakht.