Super light helicopter

British soldiers on the battlefield are about to be equipped with reconnaissance equipment capable of determining the location and weapons of the enemy, among them the robot wheel and the remote control helicopter.

Picture 1 of Super light helicopter

After being thrown, the robot will roll to all enemies on the enemy battlefield and send the image to the control device.Photo: Daily Mail.

Wheel-shaped robots and ultralight helicopters were unveiled during a military equipment exhibition at Abbey Wood, UK last week. Robots - weighing 500 g and made from titanium - have many cameras and sensors. Users can throw it inside buildings, fortifications, and tunnels to track enemy activity. After throwing the user controls the robot with a handheld device. All its progress, backward, and stop operations are done with a joystick.

Picture 2 of Super light helicopter

Super light helicopters have 4 heads and are remotely controlled.Photo: Daily Mail.

Super light helicopters have up to 4 "heads" corresponding to 4 wings, but no tail or fuel tank. It was designed to hover above the battlefield and provide wide-angle images of enemy positions. Its advanced reconnaissance system constantly sends real-time images of a screen worn by soldiers.

According to the Daily Mail, both devices have gone through many tests in the Salisbury, UK plains in the past two months. Soldiers on missions in Afghanistan can use them to detect Taliban gunmen.