Superstitious people often live unhealthy

A study in Australia showed that people who believe in fate often live unhealthy as those who only believe in their own abilities.

Sky News reported that a team of experts from the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research tracks the exercise and diet habits of more than 7,000 people. The team then collated the data with the personality of the research object.

Picture 1 of Superstitious people often live unhealthy
People who only believe in their ability to exercise more
and live healthier than those who believe in fate.

The results show that most people who believe in destiny spend less time on physical activity, drinking and smoking than those who do not believe in luck. In addition, the diet of those who believe in destiny is also more harmful to health.

"Our research shows the connection between human personality and scientific life," said Professor Deborah Cobb-Clark, who led the study.

According to Cobb-Clark, the new finding will help scientists find ways to treat obesity by impacting psychology so that fat people change their lifestyles.

The team also found that men and women have different views about the benefits of scientific lifestyles. Men want to achieve physical results after moving to a new way of life, while women want to enjoy the joy of changing lifestyles.