Surprised by the scientific facts about ... the belly button

The great majority of us start with a protruding navel battle; you cannot find two identical navel; The umbilical cord is the chosen location for incision in many breast augmentation surgeries . and discover more interesting facts about the umbilical cord in the article below!

Picture 1 of Surprised by the scientific facts about ... the belly button
In fact, some of us are born with absolutely no navel. If you are interested in showbiz, you will easily discover that model Karolina Kurkova is also in this minority group. According to scientists, 'umbilical hernia' is a rare syndrome that has led to this particular phenotype.

Picture 2 of Surprised by the scientific facts about ... the belly button
In theory, mammals will all have umbilical cord so that their mother can nourish the fetus.However, saying so does not mean that there are no exceptions!The two most typical examples of mammals without the umbilical cord are Kangaroo and platypus

Picture 3 of Surprised by the scientific facts about ... the belly button
Although the umbilical cord is a detail that makes it attractive to many people, theoretically, the umbilical cord is still considered a scar and even the first scar in the life of every human being.This 'scar' is formed when the umbilical cord connects the fetus to the removed mother.

Picture 4 of Surprised by the scientific facts about ... the belly button
One thing in particular is that of the more than 7 billion people living on the earth at the present time, there are no two identical navel.However, unlike fingerprints, the characteristic of the umbilical cord lies in the microbiota that lives in it.According to statistics, there are about 2400 species of bacteria found in the umbilical cord of humans!

Picture 5 of Surprised by the scientific facts about ... the belly button
There is the fact that most of us are starting with a protruding navel.However, over time, this convex will dive deeper, with only a few people retaining the protruding navel when mature.

Picture 6 of Surprised by the scientific facts about ... the belly button
During pregnancy, to create more space for the developing baby, besides the woman's belly is getting bigger, their concave navel will sometimes return to its convex, phenotype. at the beginning.

Picture 7 of Surprised by the scientific facts about ... the belly button
You may not know, but a large number of surgical incisions are made at the belly button location, including breast augmentation surgery.The main reason for choosing this position is to cover up the scar when the surgery is complete.