Take the kidneys from the body through ... the belly button

How can I squeeze a kidney as big as a fist under the keyhole? Put it in the ball bag and pull it out, scientists reveal the technique is almost the same.

Picture 1 of Take the kidneys from the body through ... the belly button

Dr. Jeffrey Cadeddu
(Photo: expertclick)

In the latest achievement of endoscopic surgery, doctors have succeeded in taking a kidney out of the body through a hole with a diameter of only 2.5 cm in the middle of the abdomen, and hardly leaving scarring.

Usually, the kidneys must pass through an incision 25 cm in diameter across the abdomen.

In the new technique, Dr. Jeffrey Cadeddu at the Southwest Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, USA, has performed a series of kidney compression and hot compress operations."We put the kidney in a plastic bag, and compressed it when we pulled it through the incision. In addition, the skin would be stretched a little bit . "

To date, Cadeddu has performed the same procedure on 3 people, 2 of whom have kidney infection and one with kidney cancer.

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