Talk about politics well for work

A new study has shown that mentioning political issues in the office can enhance job satisfaction and increase commitments in a collective.

According to Live Science, this study is only true if political discussions are free and comfortable between the two sides. Researchers also found that if workers were forced to accept other people's political views, such as managers' views, they would suffer negative impacts at work, even, can lead to retaliation at work.

Overall, 40% of respondents said they were under pressure to accept the political views of managers, while 55% of workers said they were under pressure from colleagues. However, research also provides positive data about political talk with peers and managers, as many as 55% of workers said they had a positive political dialogue with them. owner, while 79% have comfortable conversations about this issue with colleagues.

Picture 1 of Talk about politics well for work
Political discussions can have an impact
positive if it takes place freely and comfortably. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Merideth Ferguson, one of the co-authors of the study, said: 'Research on the relationship between political conversations and job promotion has proved that political issues have a profound effect. wide, not only for workers but also for their families'.

However, its negative impact is also hard to avoid. In fact, the researchers found that problems stemming from political disagreement occurring at work can greatly affect family life. In particular, researchers have found many employees with family conflicts whose main reason is because their husband or wife intends to find another place to work due to political dissent with colleagues. or manager.

John Ferguson, one of the authors of the study, added: 'Many workplaces have limited policies that make political statements, but there is no practical research to support this. Many workplaces and workers missed the benefits of political discussions, especially when discussions were handled appropriately. Talking about politics at work is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, if managers and their employees can have a comfortable political discussion, employees will be more satisfied with the job and make deeper commitments to the collective. " .

This study is based on the responses of 304 workers and couples.