Teach children 7 fire escape skills

If you get stuck in a room that can't escape, get a wet cloth tightly closed on the door, get under the bed and lie close to the floor.

Dr. Vu Thu Huong said, in order to train children to escape fire skills, teachers or parents can practice with their children through play methods. For example, have your child act as a firefighter or victim, write a fire extinguisher number 114, a phone number for a parent or relative and teach your child to remember.

Picture 1 of Teach children 7 fire escape skills
When there is smoke, teach your child to take a wet cloth or cloth to cover your nose and mouth to avoid choking.(Photo: News)

To begin, parents can suggest by suggesting to them to answer the following multiple choice questions:

1. What is a fire phone number:

a. 113

b. 114

c. 115

d. 1080

Question 2: If you get stuck in a fire with an adult, what will you do?

a. Follow the instructions of adults.

b. Help.

c. Crying loudly.

d. Run out.

From their tests, parents lead a story to guide and help them practice their escape skills when encountering fires, including:

Skill 1: When you smell a burning smell, smoke or see a fire, you must call the firefighters immediately. The phone number for your notes is 114.

Skill 2: If you are caught in a fire with an adult nearby, you must calmly follow the instructions of the adults.

Skill 3: Show your child the ways to escape when there is a fire. Ask your child to try to escape as quickly as possible without hesitating to bring furniture or linger to call the fire.

Skill 4: If your family lives in a high-rise building or apartment building, teach your child that you should never move to the ground with an elevator when there is a fire because the elevator may stop midway through interruption. electricity. If you are near the top floor, move to the rooftop instead of moving down.

Skill 5: Remember that not only fire but also smoke and poison gas can lead to death. To avoid choking from smoke, teach your child to move outside by crawling on the ground, covering a cloth or cloth with water on his or her mouth and nose. Put on a dipped shirt if possible.

Skill 6: When your hair or clothes get caught, teach them to stop, lie down and roll over or roll.

Skill 7: If you get stuck in the room, you can't get out, get wet cloths and tighten the door sills and get under the bed and lie down on the floor. Because under the bed is the first place the firefighters keep an eye on when looking for those who remain trapped in a fire.