Technology helps build houses in 24 hours

Advanced 3D printing technology can help create a complete home in just 24 hours, says a professor at Southern California University.

Contour Crafting is a layer-by-layer manufacturing technology that uses large mast scaffolds to build a home that resembles a 3D printer in plastic. This technology also allows the walls to bend or bring more sophisticated motifs.

GS. Behrokh Khoshnevis said that his Contour Crafting method could build a complete home with full details.

Well-graded walls are constructed from cement and auto-reinforcement technology, while welding and electrical systems are introduced by the system during construction.

Picture 1 of Technology helps build houses in 24 hours
Scaffolding system helps to print cement-reinforced layers. (Source: Daily Mail)

Mr Khoshnevis said that the methods of construction are very slow, laborious and expensive. Meanwhile, Contour Crafting technology costs less, and significantly reduces construction time. In addition to conventional homes, commercial buildings or low-income housing, this technology also applies to high-rise buildings.

Not only that, Khoshnevis believes that the technology is applicable to other planets.

'Contour Crafting technology has the potential to build homes, laboratories ... safe and cheap on Mars and the moon before people set foot on it,' " Khoshnevis said.

This technology has been around for many years and was introduced at the Technology, Entertainment and Design (TEDx) conference.