Testing of HTV-2 military supersonic aircraft failed

US military scientists have announced the loss of contact with the HTV-2 supersonic aircraft in late April.

The Falcon (HTV-2) supersonic maneuver is designed to fly over a medium-range region. It has a speed of Mach 20, equivalent to 25,000 km / h. The purpose of the design is to attack targets anywhere on Earth with conventional weapons.

Last week, HTV-2 was launched from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California by the minotaur IV. The test flight takes 30 minutes. On the planned itinerary, HTV-2 will fly at supersonic speeds to the experimental military base at the Pacific Kwajalein Atoll.

However, as soon as it was separated from the launcher, HTV-2 lost signal to the checkpoint.

Picture 1 of Testing of HTV-2 military supersonic aircraft failed

The image simulates the HTV-2. Photo: DARPA .

Johanna Spangeberg Jones, a spokeswoman for the US Department of Defense, said: "Despite the loss of the HTV-2, this is the first test flight, but the HTV-2 data applies to the HTV-2. Atmosphere flight at Mach 20 will help us complete and make the next flight, scheduled for 2011. "

According to the Pentagon, HTV-2 represents the United States military in its ability to respond with any warning signal, to whatever extent. It could replace ballistic missiles without the misleading Russian or Chinese implications of a nuclear strike.

The US Air Force hopes the supersonic aircraft will also be able to gather intelligence if low-level surveillance satellites are attacked.

Source: AFP