Thanks to handwriting robot

Over time people write letters or type text on the computer, robots can replace us write the handwriting like before.

Traditional lovers who wish to send letters on special occasions can rely on the beautiful robotic lettering service , via the Bond application on the iPhone.

Once the service order is received, the robot mimics the habit of writing handwritten messages in person, using various gentle movements and pressures on the pen to give the most authentic handwriting.

Picture 1 of Thanks to handwriting robot
Robot can write letters like human - (Photo: Bond)

It is said that the imitation of handwriting of people is extremely difficult for the artificial machine, according to news site ABC News.

The robot must mimic the pressure generated at each junction and letter, while avoiding smudging or dirty paper.

Surprisingly, the robot writes words from bottom to top and from right to left, not in the usual way.

According to Sonny Caberwal, CEO of Bond Gifts, the service is currently available in the US for $ 5 for a 255-card message.

In the future, the company plans to offer more handwriting, allowing customers to choose the type of writing closest to them, as well as launch applications on Android and traditional website.