The 11-year-old prodigy wants to build a robot that knows how to operate

British prodigy owns IQ 162, likes sports, does not use Facebook or mobile phones. The boy wanted to study engineering and medicine with the desire to create a surgical robot.

At the beginning of April 2016, Aum Amin , an 11-year-old British boy, surprised many people by reaching 162 points on the IQ test.

This result is even higher than the genius physicist Albert Einstein and professor Stephen Hawking.

With IQ 162, Indians are among the smartest people in the world.

"I always spend 100% of my efforts on what I do and focus on my goals , " Aum said.

After the boys officially joined the Mensa community (the organization of those with high IQ), my family is very proud. However, they understand that they should not over-heighten their son because IQ is not a genius and he has to work hard to follow Einstein and Hawking - two people he admires.

Picture 1 of The 11-year-old prodigy wants to build a robot that knows how to operate
Aum Amin family is very proud when boys become members of Mensa organization.(Photo: Getty).

Despite possessing a high IQ, Aum doesn't force himself to try to learn everything in the shortest time. My daily life is not much different from my peers.

In addition to studying, Aum is passionate about sports and playing chess. The 11-year-old boy often tries to do all the exercises to have time to play football with you.

In his free time, British prodigies also study history, create models, read books and newspapers.

He does not use Facebook and feels no need to use a mobile phone.

"I meet relatives and friends every day, and then do homework, watch TV, get time on Facebook," he explained.

In fact, Aum uses the Internet for research and information purposes. As for social networking, Aum points to YouTube when instructions are needed for puzzle games.

Next September, Indian-born prodigy will enter Queen Elizabeth's boys' school. Aum said he tried his best to enter the school because "too much of the chemistry lab here".

Currently, an 11-year-old boy wants to start learning about technology and medicine towards the goal of inventing a robot that knows how to operate.

In the future, Aum Amin wants to study technology or science at top schools like Harvard, Oxford or Cambridge.