The 35th international cosmic fleet returned safely to Earth

On the morning of May 14, TMA-07M, a combined spacecraft, carrying three astronauts from the International Space Station (ISS), safely landed on its intended location in the territory of Kazakhstan.

Picture 1 of The 35th international cosmic fleet returned safely to Earth
Three astronauts are welcome after landing in Kazakhstan. (Photo:

According to the Russian Flight Control Center, the Union ship TMA-07M landed at 2:31 GMT (9:30 am Hanoi) to the Kazakhstan steppe, about 146km east of Dzhezkazgan city. .

The fleet returned to Earth this time is the 35th international fleet, including Russian astronaut Roman Romanenko, American astronaut Tom Marshburn and Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, who worked on ISS 146 days and nights. .

Currently the 36th international flight team is working on ISS including two Russian astronauts Pavel Vinogradov and Alexander Misurkin, with an American Chris Cassidy. This fleet was put on ISS by the United States spacecraft TMA-08M on March 29th.

It is expected that the 37th international fleet, with an American, a Russian and an Italian, will board the ISS with the TMA-09 Combined Ship from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on May 29.