The 34th international fleet from ISS on Earth is safe

At noon March 16, the Union's landing unit landed in the Kazakhstan steppe, about 86km northeast of Arkalyk city, returning three travelers from the International Space Station (ISS) to the left. Safe land.

Picture 1 of The 34th international fleet from ISS on Earth is safe
Three astronauts Evgeny Tarelkin, Oleg Novitskiy and Kevin Ford (from left).

The three astronauts on the 34th international flight team worked on the ISS 143 days and nights, including two Russian astronauts Oleg Novitsky and Evgheny Tarelkin and American astronaut Kevin Ford.

On ISS, the 35th international fleet is working with three people including Russian astronaut Roman Romanenco (Roman Romanenko), Canadian astronaut Chris Hedfild and American astronaut Tomas Mashbern.

Under the plan, the 36th international fleet of two Russian astronauts and an American astronaut will be launched on this orbit on March 29 by TMA-08M Union ship.

The 34th international flight to Earth was delayed one day and night due to bad weather.