The Amazon River has changed the flow

The Amazon River, the largest river in the world, once flowed from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, opposite to the current flow.

A recent study has found that in sedimentary rocks in the central part of South America, there are also plants used for stabbing fish made of stone, suggesting they originated from the eastern edge of the continent.

Geologist Russell Mapes says this proves that about 65 to 145 million years ago, the Amazon River flows from East to West. The age of rocks in South America varies between East and West. Stone fragments of 2.5 billion years old are found on the eastern edge, while on the western edge the rock is much younger.

If the Amazon River continues to flow from West to East today, many fish skewers found in the river must be younger because they are washed away from the Andes in the West Bank. ' But we found fish skewers that showed they were from the East ' - Mapes said.

Mapes will present these findings at the American Geological Society annual meeting in Philadelphia from October 22-25.

Picture 1 of The Amazon River has changed the flow
Amazon River taken by Nasa (Photo: