The area of ​​ice in the Arctic dropped a record in the summer

According to the Japan Aerospace Agency (JAXA), this summer, the Arctic ice area will fall to its lowest level since Japanese scientists conducted observations of the Arctic from space (1978). ).

Picture 1 of The area of ​​ice in the Arctic dropped a record in the summer

According to JAXA experts, the permafrost in the Arctic is melting with lightning speed (Photo: ABC News)

To date, the permanent ice reduction in the Arctic Ocean has doubled compared to the 2005 decline - a record decline that occurred in the summer of 2007.

In the opinion of JAXA experts, this spring, the permafrost in the North Pole melted at a very fast speed and the thickness of the Arctic ice sheets greatly decreased.

In 2006, Japan's Ministry of Marine and Marine Science and Technology concluded that the area of ​​ice in the Arctic dropped rapidly because warm water from the Pacific flowed into the region since 1997.

Scientists warn this process is increasingly affecting climate change in the entire Northern Hemisphere and causing unpredictable consequences.