The blonde girl sleeps for 64 days

Sleep disorder syndrome causes a girl in England to sleep up to 64 days, and her average daily sleep time is up to 19 hours.

Nicole Delien, a 17-year-old girl in Pennsylvania, USA, suffers from a sleep disorder called Kleine-Levine . Only about 1,000 people around the world suffer from this syndrome, KDKA reported.

During sleep Deline still performs many short-term activities - such as walking, eating, going to the toilet - and then returning to bed.

Picture 1 of The blonde girl sleeps for 64 days
Nicole Delien is one of about 1,000 people
worldwide sleep disorder syndrome.

Delien's mother, Vicky, said she usually slept 18 to 19 hours a day. She ate, drank and excreted in sleepwalking. When she woke up, Deline did not remember the behavior she had done. Once Deline had slept continuously for 64 days.

Delien's relatives had to take her to many hospitals to check before they knew her bizarre syndrome at Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Delien is taking drugs that can increase her waking time.

Oxford Journal reported, in addition to the phenomenon of sleeping a lot, people with sleep disorder syndrome also show many other signs - such as loss of orientation, hallucinations, eating more, and sexual demands soaring in a short time, behave like a child.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke confirms that the scientific community has not found the cause of Kleine-Levine syndrome. Some experts believe that the syndrome is caused by a disorder in areas of the brain that control appetite and sleepiness.