The bomb is in the belly of the squid

During the operation of squid for customers in the middle of the market, a fish seller was shocked to see the squid's bomb in his stomach.

Picture 1 of The bomb is in the belly of the squid
Giant squid.

The squid, more than 90 centimeters long, was captured in shallow waters near Guangdong Province, China. People take him to the fish market in Jiaoling District. Huang, the name of the fish seller, called the police after seeing the bomb in the calf's belly, the Telegraph reported.

"This squid lives near the coast and often eat small fish, shrimp. Perhaps it thinks the bomb is a delightful dish, so it swallowed. The squid's stomach was quite big when it was caught," Huang told the Daily Daily. Chau.

The volume of the bomb is about 1.5kg and shaped like eggplant. Local police said that it was possible that a fighter plane had dropped the bomb. Although the age of the bomb is quite high and its crust is rusted, it still has the ability to explode. Authorities to bring the bomb to a safe place to detonate it.

In 2007, it was discovered a 17th-century time bomb in the belly of a whale.