The cold-blooded assassin has a poison 'see' at the same time 20 people return to the dead

Able to kill 20 adults at once after just one bite, Olive sea snakes are species

Being able to kill 20 adults at the same time after only one bite, Olive sea snake is the most dangerous "killer" of the ocean.

The ocean is an "underground world" that always hides bizarre mysteries and the most haunting deadly creatures on the planet.

The most scary, most aggressive "assassins" you can name are white sharks, bull sharks, electric rays, box jellyfish .

In fact, there is an animal that causes the most terrible "nightmares" to humans, both on land, on trees and underwater. That " killer " species is a poisonous snake.

Living in the sea, this poisonous snake has its name: Olive Sea Snake.

Picture 1 of The cold-blooded assassin has a poison 'see' at the same time 20 people return to the dead

Olive sea snake, one of the scary "assassins" of the ocean.

There are many species of sea snakes with venomous venom that live in the ocean, among them, not to mention this "cold-blooded assassin" .
They can kill 20 adults at the same time with the amount of venom pumped out after a bite.

Possessing a threatening and aggressive head, Olive sea snake is one of the great "hunters" on the seabed.

Picture 2 of The cold-blooded assassin has a poison 'see' at the same time 20 people return to the dead

Unlike the flat tail used to drive when swimming, the head of the sea snake Olive is rounder and fat than many other snakes.

Not only possessing an intimidating look, Olive sea snake also has a fangs of 4mm long to pump 2 different types of venom after each bite into the ill-fated prey.

When two different types of reading venom are pumped into the prey (a type of nerve attack, a type of muscle attack), the victim quickly suffers from a painful death.

Picture 3 of The cold-blooded assassin has a poison 'see' at the same time 20 people return to the dead

Olive sea snakes often hunt fish and small prey in coral reefs.

In addition, they can be immersed in water at a very remarkable speed with the ability to appear abruptly before prey with extremely sensitive "sniffing" sense of smell.

A secret weapon that this sea snake possesses is nerve cells that sense light at the tail.

This advantage is like helping them to have an additional "eye set" , which makes it easy to hunt and avoid larger enemies.

Picture 4 of The cold-blooded assassin has a poison 'see' at the same time 20 people return to the dead

Olive sea snakes can attack humans when rising to the surface for air.

The reason is that Olive sea snakes are dangerous to humans because they often have to rise to the surface to get air. When they come back, people often encounter them and are accidentally attacked by them.

Olive sea snake

Other name: Golden sea snake.

Scientific nomenclature: Aipysurus laevis.

Distribution: Waters in the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean.

Life expectancy: 10 years.

Update 17 December 2018



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