The dead silence of the sun

In response to the unusual silence in the solar storm season, NASA warned 'something very strange is happening' to our central star.

This year should have been the culmination of the sun's operation cycle over the past 11 years, however, according to images provided by NASA, the sun seems unusually quiet.

The number of sunspots is very low since 2011, and there are rarely sun flares, according to, a notice from NASA.

Picture 1 of The dead silence of the sun
Black stains appear little on the surface of the sun - (Photo: NASA)

In the picture is the face opposite the Earth of the sun on February 28, 2013, according to NASA's solar observatory.

It shows only a few small spots on the smooth surface of the sun, during the period that should have been the peak of the solar storm.

To speculate that NASA might have miscalculated, sun-based physicist Dean Pesnell of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center maintains that: 'This is the peak phase of the sun. '.

However, it is not the same as our prediction because this cycle has 2 peaks.

According to expert Pesnell, 2 times the sun's maximum activity before that, in 1989 and 2001, had two peaks. Accordingly, the sun's activity increased and then decreased, then increased again, like a mini cycle lasting 2 years.

In the current cycle, the number of sunspots increased dramatically in 2011 and declined in 2012.

This situation is expected to repeat in 2013 to 2014.