The desk is simple and unbelievable to the geniuses in the world

The desk has long been considered

The ideas may be great or not great, depending on when they are invented, but one thing is for sure, they always come from the desk - the only place capable of turning abstract thoughts symbolize real action.

The desk has long been considered the "home" of the brain. It is an intimate space where you can give your ideas and thoughts. The desk space can change every year, or depending on the preferences, styles and work characteristics of each person.

Currently, in the world, people can also rent work spaces with fun furnishings, pool tables, stone walls and free alcohol. Even in London, there is a rental service of working chairs in the hourly dining room - a perfect solution for those who live in cramped apartments and are tired of going to work cafes.

And of course, if you want to know how geniuses like Elon Musk, Thomas Edison, or Mark Zuckerberg think, look at their desks.

Elon Musk

Picture 1 of The desk is simple and unbelievable to the geniuses in the world

Elon Musk's desk at SpaceX looks simple to mediocre, it's even quite bland.

When Tesla's Model X tram was produced, Elon Musk moved his desk to the end of the production line - right next to the sleeping bag - where he spends 100 hours per week. One interesting thing is that Elon Musk's desk at SpaceX looks simple to mediocre, it's even quite bland. Musk said that instead of leaving the desk with messy papers, he kept it neat enough to be able to focus his mind for the future.

US President Thomas Jefferson

Picture 2 of The desk is simple and unbelievable to the geniuses in the world

Most of his important work was completed on the DIY desk (self-designed work desk).

It is hard for anyone to imagine the father of the American Declaration of Independence - President Thomas Jefferson worked on a wooden carved table, located in the office. But what's interesting is that most of his important work is done on the DIY desk (self-designed work desk).

Jefferson designed a portable table that could be moved during his journey from Virginia to Philadelphia. It has a tilt on the lock drawer, where pens and ink are stored. He wrote a draft of the American Declaration of Independence on this mobile desk.

Mark Zuckerberg

Picture 3 of The desk is simple and unbelievable to the geniuses in the world

His desk is simply designed with a graffiti surface, and contains snacks and drinks on the table.

Set in the middle of Facebook's cave-style and wallless office, Mark Zuckerberg's desk has open space to exchange like Facebook friends. His desk is simply designed with a graffiti surface, and contains snacks and drinks on the table. It is an ideal space to encourage open exchange.

Thomas Edison

The desk of "genius" Thomas Edison is full of holes and small table drawers - the ideal place for him to keep current and future inventions. From this desk, he operated 30 different companies, managing 30 new technology research teams and sitting in the middle of a basement with thousands of books and patents.

Picture 4 of The desk is simple and unbelievable to the geniuses in the world

The desk of "genius" Thomas Edison is full of holes and small table drawers.

Recorders, incandescent light bulbs, electric recorders, cement kilns . are among his 1,000 inventions. The movement of the pages on the desk reflects the thoughts and questions in the head of this great inventor.

Although we may feel strange looking at the desks without computers or the modern technology of ancient "geniuses" , the space for thinking and creativity is always there. value with time. That's because the desk space is like fields that generate ideas into text, inventions, artwork or actions.

The ideas may be great or not great, depending on when they are invented, but one thing is for sure, they always come from the desk - the only place capable of turning abstract thoughts symbolize real action. And sure enough, the desk will still be the starting point of future ideas and inventions.

Update 18 December 2018



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