The dirtiest river in the world

There was a time when Citarum was dubbed the most poetic river in Indonesia: the fishermen threw nets, the surrounding rice fields, the busy riverbank who carried water. Yet after only two decades, 9 million people and hundreds of industrial plants turned it into a horrible landfill.

Picture 1 of The dirtiest river in the world The rubbish and industrial waste are so tight that the surface of the river is so full that if there is no lumbering wooden boat among the scavengers, it is impossible to expect below that black water surface.

People around here have long since quit fishing. The first is that no living creature lives in this polluted environment, the second is the collection of waste products that sell 'junk' to see more money, despite the strong stench and the risk of disease. infection surrounds people. If lucky, every week they can earn 1-2 pounds.

At the present time, there are over 500 industrial factories along the Citarum River, many of which are textile factories that do not have chemical waste disposal facilities as required. The living garbage of more than 9 million people living in the capital also drifted here and there, not to mention the 'waste products' from hundreds of rudimentary toilets pointing straight into the river.

Even more horrifying, many households living around the river still scoop up laundry, bathing and even cooking.

Then one day, the Citarum River will stand still. At that time, Lake Saguling would not have enough water to run a generator, and the Jakarta people had the opportunity to understand how they had behaved naturally.

Picture 2 of The dirtiest river in the world Picture 3 of The dirtiest river in the world
Rubbish does not see water. (Photo: Daily Mail).