The economic downturn caused more than 10,000 people to commit suicide

The economic crisis in Europe and North America has increased the number of suicides by 10,000 more than normal, according to British researchers.

The research team from Oxford University and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK) analyzed data of 24 countries in the European Union (EU), the US and Canada. They found that the number of suicides that had been on the decline fell in Europe until 2007, but in 2009, the number of statistics increased by 6.5% and remained there until 2011. Article. This is equivalent to an additional 7,950 suicides if previous trends continue.

The death rate from suicide is declining in Canada, but has increased significantly when the recession began sweeping the country in 2008. Meanwhile, the number of suicides in the US has been on the rise and has been pushed. fast speed with the economic crisis.

Picture 1 of The economic downturn caused more than 10,000 people to commit suicide

According to experts, job loss, foreclosure and debt are the main risk factors for suicide. However, some countries in Europe have not followed this trend. Both Sweden, Finland and Austria are contending with increasing suicide rates during the recession.

Dr. Aaron Reeves, a member of the research team, stated: "A key question for policymakers and mental health professionals is whether increasing the number of suicides is inevitable trend, inevitable or not.

There is evidence that the economic recession has led to this phenomenon, but surprisingly it does not happen everywhere, such as Austria, Sweden and Finland. That is, the policy may have influence . One of the characteristics of these countries is that they invest in projects that support people to return to work, such as training, counseling and even wage subsidies.

There are always difficult choices to make during the recession. However, in my opinion, one of the things the government can do is provide support and protection to the most vulnerable groups, helping them withstand the burden of the economic downturn. "

Expert Andy Bell from the Mental Health Center added that the new research has strengthened what scientists have been worried about. That is, unemployment, job instability and many other factors related to degradation, associated with weak mental health and suicide. This fact reminds us to take timely action to prevent and respond to support.