The effect of CO2 warming the Earth slower than expected?

The degree of global warming due to the doubling of CO 2 greenhouse gas emissions may be lower than the most serious predictions made before.

That is a statement in the research funded by the US National Science Foundation, published on the website of Science magazine on November 24.

Research shows that global warming is happening and increased CO 2 emissions will cause more serious impacts to Earth temperatures. However, the level of warming may not be as serious as previously predicted because according to the analysis, studies so far have only been concerned with the period from 1850 onwards without fully considering data on climate change throughout the periods, especially on a global scale.

Picture 1 of The effect of CO2 warming the Earth slower than expected?

Recreating the temperature of the ground and the sea during the peak of the Ice Age 21,000 years ago and comparing it to the climate simulations of that period, the researchers discovered a very picture. other. If that calculation model is applied to the future, the results will show that the temperature rise of the Earth is not as serious as previous predictions.

Through research, scientists also found that the temperature in the ocean changed very little ever.

For a long time, scientists still spend a lot of time to assess the impacts of climate change and human response to the increase in CO2 emissions.

The 2007 report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that the Earth's atmosphere will warm up an average of 4.5 degrees Celsius, with CO2 emissions doubling compared to pre-industrial era. However, according to the new calculation model, this temperature increase is about 3 degrees C.

Experts emphasize that this study shows that there is still time for the world to prevent negative impacts of climate change, on the condition that action is taken now.