The FBI uses spyware to track down criminals

The indictment prosecuted a recent bomb threat suspect issued by the FBI, which revealed information about a spyware tool that scans the information to track the whereabouts of bombers.

The tool was developed by the FBI itself and is called CIPAV, and is able to send information about the MAC address, IP, environment variables and computer registry information to this organization in secret.

Picture 1 of The FBI uses spyware to track down criminals CIPAV was used in the arrest of Josh Glazebrook, a 15-year-old student who threatened to bomb Timberline High School in the US in May 2007. Glazebrook used controlled computers to pose threats.

Tracing the origin of these threats to the FBI is not difficult, but it only leads to a hacker-controlled computer at the Italian National Nuclear Physics Institute. The FBI decided to use CIPAV and they succeeded.

However, some people are also concerned that the FBI will use similar tools to detect information from government computer systems of countries around the world.