The first female astronaut wanted to go to Mars at the age of 76

The first woman to fly into space said she would fly to Mars if she had a chance, even if that meant she would never return to Earth. Valentina Tereshkova, a 76-year-old woman, said Mars is her favorite planet and she is cherishing her dream of going there.

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Ms. Tereshkova, who became a national hero at the age of 26 when she made her space trip alone, said she joined a research team on the ability to travel to the red planet.

Picture 1 of The first female astronaut wanted to go to Mars at the age of 76

Previously, Tereshkova was once a weaver. When recruited to an astronaut program in Moscow (Russia), she is an amateur skydiver. She was trained with three other women in the Kruschev project in search of the first Soviet astronaut. But only Tereshkova in the group of 4 who completed the task.

She was honored as the Hero of the Soviet Union when she completed her breakthrough space mission in 1963 with the Vostok VI spacecraft.

During the 3-day mission, she flew around the world 48 times and set a new record of time in the universe with the most orbit completion in the shortest time.

After returning, Tereshkova participated in the Russian political system. She was awarded the Medal for National Peace as a government spokesman, and was awarded by President Vladimir Putin for its contributions to the country in 2007.

On June 16, Russia will celebrate 50 years of Tereshkova's historic flight.