The first time a revived star was discovered

International scientists have found a star from weakening very quickly before dying. But suddenly it turns into a star from another with a tremendous rotation speed and a much longer life span.

Picture 1 of The first time a revived star was discovered

A magnetic star discovered by NASA's Spitzer space telescope lies in the middle of a giant disk of matter.Photo: NASA.

Astronomers from Canada, England, Netherlands, Australia and the United States use Robert C. Byrd radio telescope in Green Bank, West Virginia, USA to observe nearly a third of stars from within. Galaxy. 'We see a lot of new words, but there is a really special star. It turned very slowly before dying, but after being reborn its rotation speed was several hundred revolutions per second and life expectancy increased greatly , 'astrophysicist Anne Archibald, a member of the research group. save, speak.

To make it easier for people who don't know much about astronomy, Archibald compares a star with a floating ball in a bath. 'You dip your hand in the water and then turn in a circle. Of course, the ping pong ball will spin, but it's quite slow. Then open the valve at the bottom of the tank to drain the water. Water will form a vortex above the hole. When the ping pong ball enters the whirlpool, its rotation speed will increase very fast , 'she explained.

Usually the word star only emits magnetic fields for about a million to 10 million years, then they die gradually. But a few stars 'recycle' into stars from another with a rotation speed of up to hundreds of revolutions per second. Ingrid Stairs, a lecturer at the University of British Columbia (Canada), said: 'This is the first time we have witnessed the phenomenon of self-replicating stars in the universe. It will help us study the evolution and regeneration of magnetic stars.

A pulsar is a type of neutron star with a magnetic field about 1,000 billion times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field. Their magnetic field can force a dream buffalo into a cake with the same thickness as the atomic size. The average diameter of stars is about 20 km, but they have many times the mass of our sun. Magnetic stars are so dense that a piece of their material with matches can weigh several hundred million tons. Most of them rotate at high speed (at least a few rounds per second). In 2005 Swiss astronomers discovered a star from spinning to a record speed of 600 revolutions per second.

According to scientists, word stars are the remains of super-massive stars after they explode. The life of a word star is usually short. Their strong magnetic field weakens over 10,000 years, after which all activity and X-ray radiation cease. It is estimated that there are at least 30 million stars in the Milky Way word "dead".

The tremors on the surface of the magnetic star cause a change in the star and the magnetic field surrounding it, often leading to the phenomenon of gamma-ray bursts recorded in the Earth in 1979, 1998 and 2004.