The frozen body is about to be revived for the first time?

can be revived much earlier than previously predicted, according to an expert in the field.

This new announcement was made by Dennis Kowalski . Dennis, chairman of the Cryonics Cold Storage Institute in the US, organized a lead in the freezing technology of the dead.

Picture 1 of The frozen body is about to be revived for the first time?
Frozen people are about to revive in the next 10 years?

Answering the Daily Star, Dennis said the technology is growing so fast that supply is not enough.

'It was once considered impossible 100 years ago. But we have mastered this technology, ' Dennis said.

A book published in 1986 by author J Robert Freitas, predicts frozen people resurrected in the period 2040-2050. But Dennis thinks that prospect will come much sooner.

'That depends on the development of stem cell technology,' Dennis explained. 'It is important that tissues are preserved during freezing'.

Picture 2 of The frozen body is about to be revived for the first time?
Mr. Dennis Kowalski and his wife.

'The resurgence of frozen people will certainly become popular in the next 100 years, and the earliest within 10 years'.

Dennis Kowalski's Cryonics Institute in Michigan, USA has up to 2,000 frozen subscribers, with 160 cases being stored in liquid nitrogen containers.

Experts now face three major challenges when resurrecting frozen people . First , cells that make people die, for example cancer cells, need to be cured.

Second , cell damage during freezing must also be replaced. Finally , aging cells need to be renewed.

The first frozen man was Dr. James Bedford in 1967. Mr. Bedford was frozen just before dying of illness. The body and brain freeze completely.

Picture 3 of The frozen body is about to be revived for the first time?
Liquid nitrogen containers to preserve the body.

Bedford will most likely be the first to be defrosted to revive in the future.

Last month, Dennis said he had completed the necessary procedures so that he and his wife, Maria, and three sons, Jacob, 19, Danny, 17, and James, 16, were stored in the liquid nitrogen gas chamber. when he died. Dennis said the total frozen cost for the whole family was about $ 140,000.

According to Dennis, resurgence of frozen people is no longer a science fiction story.

"There is no reason not to believe that we can live forever," Dennis said. 'If you have a young body like when you were 20, why not live another 100 years?'