The fruits absolutely do not eat if lost in the forest

What should be lost in the forest and what should not be done? One of the secrets to surviving in the forest is to stay away from inedible things.

These fruits absolutely do not eat if in the forest

If unfortunately getting lost in the forest, the first thing you need to do to survive is to find food and water . However, not so that you can eat anything, because there are plants that look completely harmless but can kill you.

1. Black cherry (Nightshade)

Scientific name, Atropa Belladonna , black cherry is a herbaceous plant of the Solanaceae family, found in Europe, North Africa, West Asia and some parts of Canada and the United States.

Picture 1 of The fruits absolutely do not eat if lost in the forest

Although it looks similar to blueberry and black grapes, it is a very dangerous plant with very strong toxins - cianyde. Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include pupil dilatation, blurred vision, rapid heartbeat, loss of balance, headache, rash, dry mouth and throat, stuttering, constipation, confusion, hallucinations, convulsions. .

Just eating 2 - 5 is enough for a healthy person to . "immediately" immediately.

2. Wild cherries (Wild cherries)

Wild cherry is the common name for wild cherry trees , without human care.

Picture 2 of The fruits absolutely do not eat if lost in the forest

Most rabid cherries are no different from being grown, though the taste may be . more boring. However, not all wild cherries can be eaten, because some cherries contain cianyde - a kind of poisonous drama. If you accidentally eat, you will die within a few notes.

3. Holly fruit

Holly is an evergreen shrub that grows throughout Europe, North Africa, western and central Asia. The leaves and branches of holly plants are often used to decorate Christmas in many countries around the world.

Picture 3 of The fruits absolutely do not eat if lost in the forest

However, holly fruit - though it looks pretty eye-catching, contains toxic saponins. Accidentally swallowing this fruit can cause vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and horrible drowsiness.

And obviously with such symptoms, eating too many of these fruits will not leave you with any good consequences, especially when you are . not sure when to return home.

4. American fruit berries (Pokeberries)

Pokeberries - Pokeberries - is a shrub with a reddish purple stem and fruits that grow into purple clusters. It is this appearance that makes many people mistake them for grapes and comfortably eat them.

Picture 4 of The fruits absolutely do not eat if lost in the forest

But this is a very toxic plant, although the result is the least toxic place. In particular, toxicity on fruits will decrease when ripe - turn black.

But not so that the pokeberry removed the "dangerous" mark. If you accidentally sip some fruit, it is okay, but if you eat 5 - 10 fruits, it will cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, even death.

5. Fruit of the dead tree

Death is a fairly famous tree because of its beauty every time of the flowering season. A flower plant belonging to the legume family, death can be found in East America, Japan, China, and Korea.

Picture 5 of The fruits absolutely do not eat if lost in the forest

Contrary to its beauty, the death element possesses a toxic glycoside . It is found in seeds, fruits and bark, and if ingested can lead to abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath and even death.

Picture 6 of The fruits absolutely do not eat if lost in the forest
Flowers are beautiful, but the fruit of the tree cannot touch.