Drugs from wild fruits

Picture 1 of Drugs from wild fruits

Berries of forest

A small part of wild fruits has contributed significantly to the prevention of diseases, such as mountain fruits, cork, fig fruits and forest tamarind . In which, many kinds have become exported products. Exports, precious medicinal herbs for highly active substances.

Fruit set aside for mountains (Gardenia stenophylla Merr.)

Belonging to the coffee family ( Rubiaceae ), another name is Thuy Hoang Chi, which is often found in the mountainous areas which are damp and cool, and have shade like rivers and lakes. Fruit are harvested in July and September, at the age of maturity, cut off stalks, dry or lightly dry to dry. There are documents still mentioned fruit must be boiling water or bring the clothes before drying, drying. This medicine has the name of a medicine that is used as a paint, when used for life, gold stars or black stars.

Cure jaundice, viral hepatitis, mucositis of the mouth: 12 g of gynecological paint, 16 g of human ceiling, rhubarb 8 g. All chopped, sharpened with 400 ml of water to 100 ml, taken twice a day.

Cure painful swollen testicles: Black-eyed (black star), star aniseed (star with salt), litchi seeds, tangerine seeds (stars with vinegar) every 30 g; multiplication by 20 g; 15 g; 18 g bar (sesame oil star). All small, sifted flour, drink 6 g each time with alcohol at hungry.

Treatment of vomiting: Son of the corpus luteum (yellow star), ceiling, and bamboo every 10 g; live ginger 5 g. Sac drank when he worked hot. For external use, painting of the dead and white pear (equal amount), small canopy, mixed with vinegar, applied at night, brightened face, the next day to apply again, do a few days. Cure scar on face.

Sonneratia (Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl.)

Picture 2 of Drugs from wild fruits Sonneratiaceae (Sonneratiaceae), commonly found in coastal wetlands. The sour-tasting green cork fruit is the raw material to make vinegar. Ripe fruits are sweet and sweet like cheeses eaten raw or cooked. In terms of drugs, fruits have the following effects:

Cooling cure for fever: Berries are washed, chewed with salt, and swallowed.

Hemostatic, especially nosebleed: Berries are washed, crushed, crushed on the wound, blood will be taken immediately. This effect is due to the substance pectin contained in the fruit juice.

Inflammation of the blood to cure hematoma, swelling: The fruit is very small, squeezing the fluid, and it becomes soft. At high, it is still hot, spread it on paper, when used, use medicine to soften and apply to the pain. Once done.

Cherry needle (Rosa laevigata Michx)

Rosaceae , is a specialty medicinal plant of Cao Bang and Lang Son. Harvested fruits are about to ripen (September to November), put into cloth bags, shock and rub to remove all the hairs, then double, clean the seeds and soft hair in the fruit, dry or dry. Very hard medicinal herbs, shiny red-brown colors, used in traditional medicine with the name of the drug as a prince, suicide. This is a kidney tonic to treat di tinh tinh, neurasthenia, and urination. Use 6-12 g in the form of high pills or powder. He has a combination of honey with a high rate of 10% and 90% honey, very good use, especially for the elderly. You can use a medicine with a needle of 500 g, three sizes of 250 g, a lotus tassel 50 g. Kim Kim and three thin slices, golden stars, small canopy, put in cloth bags with lotus tassel and cook with 3 liters of water for 8 hours. When there is about 1 liter left, carefully filter, put sugar (1 kg) in, concentrate it to 1 liter. Cool, add a few drops of orange essential oil for aroma. Drink twice a day, one tablespoon at a time.

Note: The needle is poisonous. Do not leave particles behind during processing.

Fig (Ficus roocburghii Wall)

Of the mulberry family (Moraceae) , often found under the forest canopy on the banks of streams. The fruit contains aromatic substances, sweetness, average calculation, supplement, strong stomach, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, sputum, milk benefits, used in the following cases:

Cure weakness, poor appetite, weak weak: Medium-sized figs, dried or dried 500 g, chopped, soaked with a liter of white wine for 10-20 days. Drink 3 times a day, one small cup at a time.

Cure sore throat: Young fig 100 g, dog leaves 50 g, bamboo bud 30 g. All are fresh, washed, crushed with 1 g of mothballs, hot stars, covered with sore, bandaged. Day twice.

Cold and poisoning: 200g fig fruit, 200 g figs, 20 g crocheted leaves, 50 g root soup. All finely chopped, dried, drenched with alcohol, gold star, sharpened with 400 ml of water to 100 ml, drink twice a day.

Milk secretion drugs: Dried dried fig fruit, crispy and spread. Drink twice daily, 12 g each time with cooled boiled water at hungry. Use 3-5 days.

Forest fruit (Phyllanthus emblica L.)

Belonging to the castor family (Euphorbiaceae) , another name is the mountain goose bunch, the forest plum, the excess orange, the kham (Tay), the orange kite (Dao), the farthest (K'Ho), growing wild on the bare hill, the forest. Dear mountain.

The flesh of the tamarind forest is crunchy, initially sour, after sweetening, the less sweeter the taste, the faster it is to quench thirst when going to the forest. Fresh forest tamarind fruit has a very high vitamin C content (600-1,000 mg%). Just eating 1-2 fruits a day is enough to provide the necessary amount of vitamin C, to prevent root canal disease. The fruit of the tamarind forest is salted, then dried to make apricot sauce to cough, sore throat, vomiting. Dried fruit (10-20 g) crushed, sharpened with 400 ml of water to 100 ml, taking the effect of sympathy, inflammation, new epidemic. For external use, the fresh fruit of the tamarind forest is crushed and used to treat the water to eat the feet.

DS Do Huy Bich , Health & Life