'Rare rare summer fruits'

The Jabuticaba fruit grows on Kiwano's body, melons, Ackee . are strange fruits with a unique shape and taste.

Summer is the season of fruits. But besides the tropical fruits often found in markets or in supermarkets, there are also fruits with quite unique looks while still bearing high nutritional value.

1. Aguaje fruit

The fruit is covered by a layer of red 'scales' with the name Aguaje growing popular in the tropical forests of the Amazon. Aguaje grows on palm-like stalks and is nearly carrot-like when ripe. But the most remarkable thing is that Aguaje has a high nutritional value.

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Aguaje contains 3 times more vitamin A than carrots. Aguaje oil also contains high levels of beta-carotene along with oleic acid (the type of acid found in olive oil) and essential fatty acids that the human body cannot synthesize itself.

Aguaje has recently emerged as a new source of income for people in the region thanks to the abundant vitamins. Not only that, Aguaje oil contains an amazing amount of natural SPF sun protection that can be used to filter ultraviolet rays and treat burns.

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But according to locals, this fruit is full of estrogen (female hormones) and it is five times the rate of women in Iquitos, Peru. Men here are warned not to eat too much Auguaje to avoid the risk of . busting breasts like women.

2. Jabuticaba fruit

Although it is about the same size as a plum, few expect this Brazilian fruit to have the taste of grapes. What is particularly noticeable in this fruit is the strange development habit - growing on woody stems.

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Unlike other types of grapes that grow in bunches or on rigs, Jabuticaba grapes grow on the stems and branches.

According to some researchers, the purpose of this strange growth is thought to hinder the climbing of animals' trees.

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Jabuticaba fruits are purple, watery and often used to make jam or alcohol. In addition, this fruit is also used to treat asthma and diarrhea.

Perhaps it is because the fruit grows from the tree so the flower of the Jabuticaba tree also grows from the stem, giving the plant a unique appearance.

3. Kiwano melon

This melon has an 'alien' appearance that develops in South Africa, California and New Zealand. Dubbed 'melon with horns' , Kiwano melon is considered to be the ancestor of other melons.

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When ripe, Kiwano looks yellow outside and grows stubborn horns, while the inner intestine is green with acrid taste.

Kiwano melons are edible but are often used as table decorations rather than as food. Probably in part because the taste of Kiwano is quite acrid and compared to the combination of cucumber, lemon and . bananas.

However, in Africa this type of melon is considered a traditional food with the potential to improve food security and nutrition of the people.

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Along with Gemsbok cucumbers, Kiwano is the only water source in the Kalahari desert during the dry season. If you visit Africa, you will definitely enjoy this amazing fruit.

4. Monstera deliciosa

Derived from the rain forests of Central America, Monstera deliciosa in like a corn fruit rather than fruit.

Dubbed the 'monster of fruits' , the Monstera deliciosa is about 30cm long with the outer shell covered by countless small hexagonal ' tiles '.

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This strange fruit can become very dangerous if not eaten properly. When unripe, Monstera deliciosa contains Oxalic acid, which can cause irritation, pain, swelling, loss of voice and even death.

This fruit is only really safe after it ripens, when the outer shell crumbles to reveal the white flesh inside. This fruit is like a combination of pineapple and banana.

5. Ackee

Called the 'plant brain' , Ackee stands out because of the inside shape wrinkled and yellow like a brain. Originating from the tropical regions of West Africa, this fruit is imported and grown in Jamaica, Haiti and Cuba.

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Ackee is one of the main dishes in Jamaican meals and is also the "fruit of the country" of this country. Ackee salted fish is a specialty that is hard to ignore when coming to Jamaica.

However, if not eating properly, Ackee can also cause food poisoning, coma, even death. This is because the unripe fruit contains a poison called hypoglycin.

When cooked and peeled off, Ackee's edible meat is always located next to the poisonous black seeds. That is why anyone must always be cautious when it comes to this kind of fruit.

6. Snakeskin (or Salak)

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Salak is a palm tree native to Indonesia. Salak trees have short stems with leaves about 6m long, each leaf has 2m long stalks, on which there are 15cm long spines. This fruit can be peeled easily. Salak usually has 3 zones, 2 big and small, each contains a black bead.

Salak fruits often grow in clusters from the stump and are called snakeskin because they have a reddish-brown crust that looks like a snake. Salak causality is sweet, slightly crispy and acidic.