The global warming is close to the critical level

Earth temperatures are approaching danger with the highest level ever predicted occurred in millions of years, scientists have announced.

The earth is warming at a rate of 0.2 degrees Celsius every decade for the past 30 years, according to research team led by James Hansen from NASA's Goddard Space Research Institute.

This causes the global temperature to reach the hottest level during the recent glacial period - the period of about 12,000 years ago.


The research team also noted a report published in Nature that 1,700 species of animals, plants and insects have moved to the extreme at an average speed of about 6 km per decade in the second half of the 20th century.

The warming phenomenon is stronger in the northern region, where ice and snow are melting, revealing dark soil and rocks, causing more solar heat to be absorbed.

Picture 1 of The global warming is close to the critical level

Rapid warming has raised the Earth's temperature by about 1 degree Celsius, which is equivalent to the maximum predicted within millions of years.(Photo: NASA)

The temperature of the water changes more slowly than the mainland due to its ability to retain heat, but researchers also note that warming has been reported in the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean. These oceans have a great impact on the climate, and their warming can lead to many El Nino scenarios that change the weather.

"This evidence implies that we are approaching the danger of artificial pollution," Hansen said.

"The average surface temperature is 15, maybe 16 degrees Celsius," said Alan Robock, a climate and meteorologist from Rutgers University, who was not involved in the study. If the earth's temperature rises 1 degree C, it will be equivalent to the highest level in millions of years.

"If warming reaches 2-3 degrees Celsius, we will see changes that make the earth a planet completely different from what we know. The last time it was warmed up is between Pliocene - about 3 million years ago - when the predicted sea level is about 25 meters higher than today , "Hansen said.

Picture 2 of The global warming is close to the critical level

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