The Great Pyramid of Giza can be built on top of a huge natural hill

The Great Pyramid at Giza outside Cairo can be erected on a naturally formed hill much larger than we know it.

Estimates of the mass of the hill create the foundation of the great pyramid based on topographical maps and some physical observations made inside the pyramid but the truth is that nobody knows, Matthew Sibson, a historian explained.

Picture 1 of The Great Pyramid of Giza can be built on top of a huge natural hill
The Great Pyramid in Giza continues to be a topic of interest to researchers with new discoveries.

Before continuing to explain below the great pyramid is a 20m-tall, truncated pyramid-shaped hill called inselberg that Matthew Sibson doubts, in fact a bigger size. The explanation was grounded, when the expert pointed to the Queen's Chamber, it was estimated to sit much higher than the 20m height of inselberg.

Sibson has shown that sand may have been used to fill natural pores in complex stone structures to give it greater stability. Separately, Sibson attracted the attention of the community to the fact that every granite block in the King's Chamber seemed to be cracked, something that served as secondary evidence of the inselberg higher than with history books shows.

'Why does it look like this? Is it because the tunnels actually go through natural origin rocks? ' , Matthew wondered.

Matthew also quoted a strange Jewish passage from the ancient Greek historian Herodotus saying that the pyramid was built from above.

Speaking to The Daily Star Online, historian Matthew Sibson admitted that it was necessary to see the inside of rudimentary tunnels beforehand and then study them more accurately.

Egypt's iconic Giza pyramid was designed by Imhotep, an architect of one of the most famous and influential pharaohs of all time, the Pharaoh Djoser, who boasts a burial room. Especially in ancient architectural ensemble.