The hood is anti-sneaky

A German artist who created a hood made surveillance cameras 'confusing' in the context of increasingly popular tracking devices in the country. The birth of this hood has sparked a debate about privacy.

Modern fashion

Martin Backes, an artist in digital media, excitedly announced that he has successfully designed 'digital camouflage in the internet era' and is the solution for those who 'get sick of the image posted on Facebook or worried about being watched by Google 's Street View service.

Pixelhead hood is made of stretchable fabric, revealing only the eyes and mouth of the team; The obscured part makes people think of a pixel broken image (pixel). It is the designer's intentions because he wants 'people to be aware of all online behaviors'. According to Mr. Backes, this hood not only helps to hide the wearer's face simply but also a very stylish camouflage.

Picture 1 of The hood is anti-sneaky
Pixelhead hoods

To create the hood, Mr. Backes borrowed the face of German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, who was responsible for managing a large number of security cameras in the country. Mr. Backes said he once aspired to have such a hood because he was tired of watching the network services like Street View of Google or security camera system.

To date, the artist has received more than 100 orders via email and has made 333 hoods. All of them are handmade, measuring 34 x 26cm at a price of 150 euros / unit. The hood caught the media's attention during an exhibition in Berlin in early September. According to German news website The Local, Mr. Backes was 34 years old, born in Bavaria state, then moved to Berlin capital to attend an art school.

Declaration of privacy

Pixelhead can be seen as a reaction to the term 'instantaneous walk' which is often mentioned by many artists, meaning that any action by anyone can be taken by the camera. 'I just tried to think of the best way to convey this message. The message is not educational but just a statement of privacy ' - Mr. Backes said. Many people believe that this hood is monstrous, but Mr. Backes voiced his objection immediately.

According to the artist, perhaps what is unlike anyone is that social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter . change the perception of human privacy.'Anonymity is increasingly difficult as more and more types of surveillance devices like smartphones or the internet. Although this phone generation and the internet are great, people need to recognize their disadvantages. '

Opponents argue that Pixelhead will help criminals who are hard to detect. ' Security cameras are installed for people's safety. There is no reason people have to hide their faces if they do not do wrong things themselves ' - said one.