The Jigger - The bug all your life you don't want to encounter

When exposed to the human body, the jigger will get under the skin to lay eggs. And then, the eggs continue to proliferate, leaving a lot of bad consequences for humans - worst can lead to death.

Jigger - The type of bug that specializes in parasites under the skin of human feet

Summer, the season of mosquitoes, when you just need to be " a little bit ", you will receive dozens of stings. But if you think there's nothing more annoying than dealing with mosquitoes, you're probably wrong. The itchy feeling caused by the mosquitoes is still nothing compared to the consequences that beetle jigge - a bug that closely resembles a flea - remains on the human body.

Picture 1 of The Jigger - The bug all your life you don't want to encounter
The Jigger Bitch.

Before obtaining the parasite host, the jigger lives under the ground and sand, waiting for someone or any animal to step on it so that they have a growing environment. They crawl under the skin of human feet, and after 2 weeks start laying eggs.

Picture 2 of The Jigger - The bug all your life you don't want to encounter
Overview of Jigger beetle.

If not treated promptly, this bug will have many bad consequences for the victim. When the egg hatches, the mother will die and cause an infection in the leg.

Picture 3 of The Jigger - The bug all your life you don't want to encounter
A necrotic foot caused by the Jigger bug.

The victim may have to remove the infected part of the body, the worst case is death. In 2010, there were more than 20,000 people infected with this bug in Uganda within two months. Even many families have died because of this bug.