The keyboard is about to disappear?

The technology that scans the human brain to turn thoughts into text instead of typing by hand may one day replace the QUERTY keyboard that has dominated for more than 40 years.

The first step in realizing this technology is using fMRI brain scanning , turning some forms of brain activity into thinking about some tangible objects, such as horses or houses into text.

Picture 1 of The keyboard is about to disappear?

The researchers also used brain scanning to identify brain activity for some related words for certain topics - such as "eyes" or "legs" represented by forms. related to the words for body parts.

"The basic idea of ​​this method is that any object appears in human thinking - not just topics, but also concepts, emotions, plans or social-oriented thoughts - Finally, it is reflected by the patterns of brain activity , " said physicist Matthew Botvinick of Princeton University (USA).

Botvinick argues that the technology of turning human thoughts into any object, whether material or human, abstract thinking or relationships, into text form is possible.

Botvinick is working with a number of other scientists to study technology that conveys thoughts into text on some volunteers.

Current technology can help patients who have thoughts turned into text by using their eyes to select each letter and then combining it into meaningful words.